Holman Ford Lincoln Turnersville
Holman Ford Lincoln Turnersville involves renovating the showroom including an addition on the front as well as providing an expanded enclosed service write-up area and a separate Quicklane location. A new entry tower, branding wall, and finishes throughout the showroom and customer areas incorporate Ford’s current facility design requirements to bring the facility to the forefront of the brand image. In addition to the work to update the image, the facility will get fire protected and connected to the public domestic water supply to improve the safety and quality for both customers and employees. The renovation will bring this facility up to the standard of Holman’s other Ford Lincoln facility in Maple Shade, NJ, recently renovated by Xavier Design Build.
This design-build project included demolishing everything to the existing walls, all-custom millwork, doors, frames and fixtures, a multi-tiered ceiling, metallic automotive paint column covers, recessed base throughout, hardwood and granite floors, and curved walls — as part of the complete renovation process.
Project Details
Client: Automobile Dealership
Location: Turnersville, New Jersey
Area: 33,500 sf